Starwarslyrics Wiki

MANDALORIAN: You have something I want

For reasons other than to flaunt

Once upon a time, the Empire thrived

Now you do what you must to survive

This creature that I want

You may think you understand it, but you do not

It's more important to me than you'll ever know

There's no need for us to be foes

Throughout my travels, I've met many friends

Each one of them celebrated the Empire's end

But the thing that got them all really riled

Was when I told them you had taken the child

All of these troopers you have now

Don't combat all the death and chaos

Times have changed, peace and freedom is allowed

No longer are you any boss

It won't be long until we get what we want

Can you stop us? No, you cannot

Right now, you will benefit from complete cooperation

Those are the terms of my negotiation

We're coming for you, Moff

If I were you, I'd screw off
