Starwarslyrics Wiki

DOOKU: Us Separatists vouch for a peaceful galaxy

But now we must rise up

The Republic's too corrupt

Soldiers are made just so they die immediately

For their misconceived cause

And all of their unjust laws

The Jedi think they are the heroes in this story

They think they keep peace

But their terror must be ceased

The Chancellor, he's done a lot to make it gory

They have done nothing

For the worlds that need helping

We will rebel til the Republic has been toppled

We will take power

Then it will all be ours

We will design the galaxy by our own model

There'll be no slaughter

When there's no Jedi Order

I see a lot of people that are not a human

Here at attendance

That's why we're independant

We'll never have discrimination in our union

We will not stomach

The sins of the Republic

Us Separatists vouch for a peaceful galaxy

But now we must rise up

The Republic's too corrupt

We only make droids, all the families that you see

Are fighting this by choice

And we all sing with one voice

That when the Clone Wars are all over, there will be no


That oppresses everyone
